A-Cube Microsystems


Singapore's Favorite Cleaning Company Faithfully Serving the Community for More than 22 years


Singapore's Favorite Cleaning Company

About A-Cube Microsystems

A-Cube Microsystems
A mission to help the poor, the needy, the weak and the sick people and animals in this world

We make an effort to help jobless persons find employment during difficult economic times. Through our connections with the South-West CDC, we are able to help citizens of the South-West find employment in the house, office, and carpet cleaning sectors. We maintain connections with several job networks, Mendaki, CDAC, E2i, and other regional CDCs. On July 15, 2003, A-Cube Microsystems received the Corporate Partner Award and the South-West CDC Job Facilitator Award with humility.

Our Popular Cleaning Services

Our Achievements

A-Cube Microsystems was humbly awarded the South-West CDC Job Facilitator Award and Corporate Partner Award on 15 July 2003.

About Our Prices

We do not believe in offering the absolute lowest price in the market. Liquid cleaners, better cleaning supplies, and skilled workers are fixed expenses for our company. The lowest price is always accompanied with a cost. The cheapest rates typically indicate that corners have been cut, which results in cleaners who are less skilled, paid less, unlicensed, or without insurance, which lowers morale and increases worker turnover. It may also lead to the use of inferior cleaning supplies, which could harm your health in ways that are not immediately apparent. The least expensive cleaning package might not adhere to all Singaporean regulations. It’s your right to choose what you want! We at A-Cube Microsystems provide you with a deal that provides good value for your money and we take care of many compliances for you.

Companies who wish to advertise on our websites, get cleaning jobs or partner up with us are
welcome to contact us.

Awards We Have Received

A-Cube Microsystems was humbly awarded the South-West CDC Job Facilitator Award and Corporate Partner Award on 15 July 2003

Our cleaning business
was incorporated
in July 2002

with the goal of helping the poor people and animals worldwide

We make an effort to help jobless people find employment during difficult economic times. Through our connections with the South-West CDC, we are able to help residents of the South-West find employment in the house, office, and carpet cleaning sectors. We maintain connections with various job networks, Mendaki, CDAC, E2i, and other regional CDCs. On July 15, 2003, A-Cube Microsystems received the Corporate Partner Award and the South-West CDC Job Facilitator Award with humility.

Current Work We Have Completed

#Projects Completed Recently

Presenting a Special Offer to All of Our Clients

What Separates Us from other Cleaning Companies

What sets us apart from other competitors?

We have a mission to help the poor and destitute by imparting wealth and knowledge, giving them a stable job, and not only giving them fish but also teaching them how to fish for themselves. As we are concerned about the poor animals on our planet, we also try to assist them.

Why You Should Engage Our Services

A clean, well-maintained carpet can help avoid a number of health problems brought on by bacteria and dirt. Therefore, you ought to have your carpets cleaned by a reputable carpet cleaning business. Customers have trusted us for more than 22 years because we provide cost-effective carpet cleaning services.

World wide Foundations

Charitable Foundations


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